Prof. Vered Tohar
My research focuses on Jewish traditional narratives from a diachronic and comparative perspective. I am interested in the development, transmission, distribution and reception of the Jewish story and its cross-cultural references.
Research Interests:
Diachronic aspects of Hebrew literature.
Reception aspects of Hebrew literature.
The study of the Jewish story and its international affinities.
Jewish and international folk story.
Israeli children's literature: poetic and historic aspects.
Personal narrative analysis.
Supervision - completed
Idit Bartov, "The image of Miriam the Prophetess in modern Hebrew literature: a leader, a poet, a rebel", M.A. thesis, Bar-Ilan University, 2015.
Chedva Henig, "The night fell asleep in my room: a compilation of Leah Goldberg's lullabies – themes, poetics and meaning", M.A. thesis, Bar-Ilan University, 2016
Tali Schwalb, "From Genre to Anti-Genre: Dialectics as a Driving Force in Israeli Lullabies", M.A. thesis, Bar-Ilan University, 2016.
Reichart Chagit, "A diachronic view of the story of Hagar’s banishment: the shifting characterization of Hagar in Jewish versions of the story as a basis for interpretation", M.A. thesis, Bar-Ilan University, 2017.
Michael Schonfeld, Representations of Religious Characters in the Short Stories of Savyon Liebrecht, M.A. thesis-equivalent, Bar-Ilan University, 2017. (co-supervisor: Zvi Mark).
Sivan Fani Darsan, Representations of Female Images in Rinat Hoffer’s Children's Literature (1995-2015), M.A thesis, Bar-Ilan University, 2019.
Yifat Caharon, Changes in Ester Shtreit Werzel's works, M.A. thesis-equivalent, Bar-Ilan University, 2020.
Romantic and Gothic Hebrew Literature (Seminar)
Hebrew Children's Literature - Introduction (BA class)
Close Reading in Classic Israeli Literature for Children and Youth (BA class)
Books as author (refereed):
Tohar Vered. Abraham in the Furnace: A Rebel in a Pagan World. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2010. 199 pages [Hebrew].
Tohar Vered. Moralizing the Folktale: The Hebrew Story in Pre-Modern Ethical Literature. 200 pages. Accepted for publication at Wayne State University Press. (in print)
Books as editor (refereed):
Tell Me About It: Aspects of Narrative Analaysis. Asaf Merav, Heller Erga, Tohar Vered and Kainan Anat (eds.). Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University Press, 2010. 212 pages [Hebrew].
Religious Stories in Transformation: Conflict, Revision and Reception, Jewish and Cristian Perspectives Series vol. 31, Houtman Alberdina, Kadari Tamar, Poorthius Marcel and Tohar Vered (eds.). Leiden: Brill 2016. [English].
Jerusalem and Other Holy Places as Foci as Multireligious and Ideological Confrontation, Peter Barry Hartog, Shulamit Lederman, Vered Tohar and Archibald L.H.M. van Wieringen (eds.). Leiden: Brill 2020. [English].
Hebrew Literature for Children and Youth: Language, Poetics and Culture. Tohar Vered and Tamar Wolf-Monzon (eds.). Criticism and Interpretation series vol. 46. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2020. [Hebrew].
Criticism and Interpretation series vol. 47. Tamar Wolf-Monzon and Tohar Vered (eds.). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2021. [Hebrew].
Studies in Honor of Prof. Rella Kushelevsky, Criticism and Interpretation series vol. 48, Tohar Vered and Shoshan Moshe (eds.). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2021. [Hebrew]. (In print).
Criticism and Interpretation series vol. 49. Tamar Wolf-Monzon and Tohar Vered (eds.). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press 2021. [Hebrew]. (In print).
Blurred Boundaries in Pre-Modern Texts and Images: Aspects of Audiences and Readers-Viewers Responses. Nissim Dafna and Tohar Vered (eds.). Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture series, Berlin And New York: Walter de Gruyter. 250 pages. [English]. (accepted).
Books as Author (non-refereed):
Wolfson Adi and Tohar Vered. Dan Pagis: Myth and Science. Haifa: Pardes (in print). 150 pages [Hebrew].
Books as author, Poetry and Prose:
Tohar Vered. Snow and Cherries, Ramat-Gan: Bitaon Shira 2018. 75 pages. [Hebrew and Romanian].
Tohar Vered. Roam No More, Haifa: Pardes 2020. 74 pages. [Hebrew].
Tohar Vered. A Cat in Salem, Tel-Aviv: Tarsat 2021. 40 pages. [Hebrew].
Last Updated Date : 11/11/2024